Recruitment Partner

  • If it's important for You:

    • Competent and professional team support, friendly working environment with different team events;
    • Flexible working hours and possibility to work from home few days per week;
    • Salary  2500 - 3100 EUR per month before taxes;
    • Additional health insurance (after 3 months);
    • Employee development and training programs;
    • Additional payments in different occasions (childbirth, work anniversaries, graduations, loss of family member etc.).

    If You have:

    • Higher education and at least 2 years’ experience working with recruitment of different level positions;
    • Strong knowledge of recruitment tools such as LinkedIn Recruiter and proficiency in various sourcing techniques;
    • Can-do attitude, positive and creative personality;
    • Excellent Lithuanian and fluent English language skills (both spoken and written);
    • Very good communication, cooperation and problem solving skills;
    • Precision and a high sense of responsibility;
    • Good computer skills.

    We will entrust You:

    • Lead recruitment process of office employees (from manager to assistant level positions in Baltics), including sourcing, screening, interviewing, and selecting candidates with hiring manager, while ensuring a positive candidate experience;
    • Provide support, guidance and trainings to hiring managers about recruitment process;
    • Stay up to date about talent attraction and recruitment trends, market situation, competitors and proactively suggest / try new talent attraction channels and strategies;
    • Participate and initiate various internal and external employer branding activities;
    • Participate in various human resource projects and recruitment processes improvements;
    • Be a part of a big HR community in Rimi and have colleagues who feel very passionate about their work, so you will have plenty of possibilities to implement your ideas and grow together as a professional.


      • Vilnius Spaudos g. 6-1


      „Rimi Lietuva“ yra viena pirmaujančių mažmeninės prekybos įmonių Lietuvoje. Mes priklausome „ICA Gruppen“ – mažmeninės prekybos rinkos lyderei Šiaurės šalių regione. Mūsų parduotuvėse ir biure dirba daugiau kaip 3 400 darbuotojų, o tai reiškia, kad suteiksime Jums galimybę augti ir tobulėti. Tačiau svarbiausia yra tai, kad nors ir esame labai skirtingi, visi esame įsipareigoję laikytis šių trijų bendrų vertybių: paprastumo, įsipareigojimo ir verslumo. Jeigu ir Jums nesvetimos šios vertybės, čia rasite daug panašiai mąstančių ir draugiškų žmonių. Kad ir kas paskatintų pasirinkti „Rimi“, mes vertiname Jūsų pasirinkimą. Taigi prisijunkite prie „Rimi“ ir kartu darysime viską, kad kiekviena diena mūsų klientams taptų šiek tiek lengvesnė.

      Recruitment Partner, Rimi Lietuva, UAB

      Kiti aktualūs darbo pasiūlymai

      Kandidatuok greitai ir lengvai
      Personalo skyrius
      Kviečiame prisijungti prie mūsų komandos vos keliais paspaudimais!