639 EUR prieš mokesčius
You will be responsible for the smooth running of the office operations: • organising various staff activities; • ordering office supplies; • ensuring that documents are accurately filed and invoices are paid on time; • you will be responsible for welcoming arriving guests, including ticket and hotel bookings.
Work in an IT services company located in the very heart of Vilnius, on Konstitucijos Avenue. We offer: • long-term work on a 0.5 full-time basis; • on-the-job training; • free lunches, snacks and team meetings; • a friendly and supportive team; • a great location in the heart of Vilnius - from your office on the 11th floor, you can see the city like the palm of your hand! Working hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Pusė etato
- Vilnius
Requirements: • knowledge of English at C level; • ability to plan tasks and manage time independently; • proactive approach to organizing office activities; • knowledge of the Lithuanian language.
BIURO - padedame, kai labiausiai reikia. Paprastas ir greitas įdarbinimas. Jau daugiau kaip 18 metų padedame darbuotojams ir darbdaviams surasti vienas kitą. Susisiekime telefonu ir pasikalbėkime plačiau apie įsidarbinimo galimybes ir Jūsų lūkesčius darbui: 8 667 44046. www.biuro.lt